Grow what you want to eat, harvest when you need it, and save money!

Enjoy garden fresh veggies without the farm-to-table price! You can grow abundantly faster than you think. Let your hard work bear fruit. I want share my 25 years of hard earned knowledge with you to get your garden to where you want it to be. I will show you the best practices, tips and tricks that take all the mystery and guesswork out of fruitful producing.

See what students are saying:

"So impressed with these lessons! Thanks so much Stacy for sharing your expertise with us. I am brand spanking new to gardening, until a couple weeks ago I had never planted a seed in soil, so this has been exciting to watch and grow along with. You have great practical tips that make a lot of sense. These videos have been such a valuable resource for me, better than anything else I have found."

"Although I’ve gardened for years I learned a lot and look forward to implementing a number of processes that you taught. Thank you!!!"

Watch Intro Video

What is Backyard Abundance?

Get a taste of what this course could do for you!

Novice or intermediate?

We've got you covered. With proven steps towards:

  • Setting up your garden for success

  • Optimizing planting to maximize harvest

  • Maximizing your growing season... and more

What are you waiting for?

Don't buy veggies, only to have them spoil. Unlock the potential of the space you have to grow the produce you want and harvest when you want! With clear and concise content, along with printable field guides, you'll grow what you need and save money.

Learn. Grow. Save.

Grow the ingredients of your dreams, without the trial and error

Make your hard work pay off, armed with the right knowledge. From orienting and building your garden beds through till fall and winter planting, this course covers what you will need and how you need to prepare in order to keep your garden sustainably producing for years to come.
Hand holding radishes

Your Step-By-Step Garden Course

4 Sections. 14 Chapters. 4 Hours of exactly what you need to know to become a confident gardener.

  • 1

    From Nothing to Abundance

    • Welcome!

    • Ch 1.1 - Introduction

    • Ch 1.2 - How to Orient your Garden Beds

    • Ch 1.3 - Bed and Garden Dimensions

    • Ch 1.4 - Three Different Methods for Building Your Beds

    • Ch 2 - Prepare your Land and Make your Garden Beds

    • Ch 3 - Hassle Free Gardening

    • Ch 4 - How to Fill your beds with Fertile Soil

    • Backyard Abundance Takeaways Ch1-4

    • Day 10 Celebration!

    • Day 20 Celebration!

  • 2

    Protecting your Garden

    • Ch 5.1 - Critter Control Part 1

    • Ch 5.2 - Critter Control Part 2

    • Ch 6 - How to Install Drip Irrigation

    • Ch 7 - The Garden Gameplan

    • Backyard Abundance Takeaways Ch5-7

    • Garden Game Plan

    • Day 30 Celebration! - Part 1

    • Day 30 Celebration! - Part 2

    • Day 40 Celebration! - Part 1

    • Day 40 Celebration! - Part 2

  • 3


    • Ch 8.1 - A Complete Guide to Planting (Garden Bed 1a)

    • Ch 8.2 - A Complete Guide to Planting (Garden Bed 1b)

    • Ch 8.3 - A Complete Guide to Planting (Garden Bed 2)

    • Ch 8.4 - A Complete Guide to Planting (Garden Bed 3)

    • Ch 9 - Setting Up your Composter

    • Day 50 Celebration!

    • Day 60 Celebration!

    • Backyard Abundance Takeaways Ch8-9

  • 4

    Preparing for the Future

    • Ch 10 - How to Make your own Fertilizer

    • Ch 11 - Fall and Winter Planting

    • Ch 12 - How to Protect your Garden with a Hoop House Row Cover

    • Ch 13 - Fall Grow n' Show & How to Renovate and Rebuild for Winter

    • Ch 14 - Planting Winter Garlic & Final Goodbye

    • Backyard Abundance Takeaways Ch10-14

    • Day 70 Celebration!

    • Day 80 Celebration! - Part 1

    • Day 80 Celebration! - Part 2

    • Day 90 Celebration! - Part 1

    • Day 90 Celebration! - Part 2

    • Day 100 Celebration!

    • BONUS Part 1

    • BONUS Part 2

Your roadmap to a successful garden

Printable PDF Takeaways and a Garden Game Plan to get started quickly.

  • A Complete Roadmap for a successful garden

    Everything you need to turn any tiny space into a Backyard Abdunance

  • Garden Game Plan

    The plan will show you how to let nature do all of the work, so you can live a much Healthier Lifestyle.

  • Instant PDF download

    Save a copy for easy reference while you're gardening


Sustainable Stace

Stacey Toews

It’s my personal quest to take all I know in growing organic, healthy food, and distill it into simple steps so that you only need a tiny space, a little bit of knowledge, and once you’re set up, ohh the rewards you’ll reap... even if you have never planted anything before in your entire life!

Guaranteed Results or your Money Back!

Learn to grow your own garden produce and get it right the first time using this clear, concise, and to the point gardening method.